ive heard URL pronounced as “oou-ral”


Some websites are r18+. Please click with care.

Artists and Webcomics

AdorkaStock •◦• AlbinoBlackSheep •◦• andypants •◦• asciipr0n 18+ •◦• Awkward Zombie •◦• Bogleech •◦• BoneQuest •◦• ChickenNation •◦• Dinosaur Comics •◦• Final Fantasy Excursions •◦• GameChops •◦• Haus Of Decline •◦• Hackles •◦• HomestarRunner.Com •◦• JookpubStock •◦• OverClocked Remix •◦• Oglaf 18+ •◦• The Perry Bible Fellowship •◦• Plasmator •◦• Powerup Comics! •◦• Ponett •◦• SCRAMPBONK •◦• ScreensaverResourcez •◦• Space coyote •◦• Splendidland •◦• Tails Gets Trolled 18+

Pop Culture and Fan Sites

CaptainN.net •◦• Cave Story Tribute Site •◦• Court Records •◦• Dragon’s Lair Project •◦• EarthBound Central •◦• FanimutationWiki •◦• The Final Fantasy VII Citadel •◦• Jojo’s Bizarre Comparisons •◦• JojoWiki •◦• Let’s Play Archive •◦• The Lifestream •◦• Metroid 2002 ? •◦• Mix’nMojo •◦• Mother Forever •◦• NES Maps •◦• No Homer’s Club •◦• Pixel Warehouse Archive •◦• Speed Demos Archive •◦• Sprite Database •◦• The Spriter’s Resource •◦• Starmen.net •◦• Super Mario PC Port Central •◦• SMW Central •◦• Technopop Academy •◦• VideoGameSprites.net ? •◦• VGMaps.com •◦• Weird Science-Fantasy Webpages

Web Apps, Utilities, and Browser games

Ace Attorney Online •◦• Charas Project •◦• Cookie Clicker •◦• Coolors •◦• 15.ai •◦• JPEG Artifact Generator •◦• Make WordArt •◦• MyAbandonware •◦• Noclip •◦• neal.fun •◦• z0r.de

Platforms and Social Media

botsin.space •◦• ComicFury •◦• Neocities •◦• OpenGameArt •◦• Pixel Joint •◦•  Recolor.me •◦• Romhacking.net •◦• RPGMaker.net •◦• Sixteen Colours

Links to web pages that curate moar links

Districts •◦• Hudson’s FTM Resource Guide •◦• Indieseek •◦• The Game Turnpike •◦• MacUser’s 101 Must-See Sites of 1996 •◦• The Old Hyperlinks •◦• Queer Resources Directory ? •◦• Yesterlinks

Epic web browser extentions

UBlock Origin •◦• SponsorBlock •◦• Ruffle


Crouton •◦• GifCities •◦• Internet Explorer is EVIL! •◦• Rotating Sandwiches •◦• textfiles.com •◦• NASA •◦• Something.com •◦• Zombo.Com