found your blog by searching “ace attorney” on marginalia search and getting your “thoughts on AA6:SOJ” page as one of the results. you seem cool, gonna be coming back here every now and then.
I used to frequent Fem-Gri-La back when I was in high school in the mid-2000s and was shocked to see the archived posts on your LiveJournal! Genuinely terrifying to think that kind of thing is being uncovered by gen Z boys in the year 2023… ???? But it was a nice trip down memory lane.
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Hi its me novatheassholeofacat
found your blog by searching “ace attorney” on marginalia search and getting your “thoughts on AA6:SOJ” page as one of the results. you seem cool, gonna be coming back here every now and then.
I love to use marginalia search myself. Glad to hear you enjoyed the blog!
I dont know where I am but you had a cool opinion! hello!
I used to frequent Fem-Gri-La back when I was in high school in the mid-2000s and was shocked to see the archived posts on your LiveJournal! Genuinely terrifying to think that kind of thing is being uncovered by gen Z boys in the year 2023… ???? But it was a nice trip down memory lane.
I’m not Gen Z, I’m in my 30’s. But yeah, well, glad to give you this blast from the past.
do men not get lost in the labyrinth anymporefdlms;vd /.cs