The Return of The Return of The Return of The Return of Adelaide Parker

Adelaide Parker is my webcomic, which I last worked on from 2015 to 2017.
I wanted to just create something I’d enjoy. Pure author appeal, and people who like the same things I do will find and enjoy it. But when I re-read Adelaide Parker now, I don’t enjoy it. It’s kind of dull, really.
The “connective tissue” parts of stories are boring (for me) to create. I had big setpieces in mind when I outlined the story, and handwaved connecting them as a problem for future me. So when they came, it noticed connecting them together sucks. Turns out that I just want to get to the good bits, too.
A reboot wouldn’t help. I just said connective tissue sucked, the prospect of redoing it all and re-introducing my characters introductions sounds so bad to me. I don’t even know what i’d do different. I could probably panel it better idk, but the broad strokes would be so alike. And since I already have the setup done, I think I need to not mess and just keep going.
The story was planned with an ending, and it’s still an ending I like. I want to get to that ending. I want to finish my comic.
But I am going to do a remaster and tweak.
Then I will start working on new pages. This year, and hopefully, in the next few months. I want to get the old archives remastered and online first, and then follow with new pages.
I thought I was big enough to handle difficult, mature themes. Which are still going to be A Thing, I’m not going to simplify it down. I can’t, because the story doesn’t handle it’s themes well at all. It’s already so bad, I can’t make it worse lol. I also kept adding foreshadowing on foreshadowing. I can’t cut that down without going full reboot mode, so I will pay it off in the ending at least.
I also want to work within my limitations. I’ll estimate i’ve got another two years and 50 pages in me, and try to end the story in that space. This might not seem like a lot, but its the existing pagecount of the comic. Half the comic should be more than enough time to wrap it up.
The story is set in 2010. When I committed to illustrating it, it was 2015. I thought my planned story would take a few years to complete. It wasn’t too weird or obsolete to set my story a few years in the past.
Now it’s 2022. 2010 is over a decade gone. The world, and my understanding of it, have changed a lot. It’s going to be hard to write for a time period which is so near, but so far. I want to rise to the challenge.
also why are all my characters cis. why would i make this