i’ve been trying to make a series of blog posts where i share things from across the web for a while. but i was overthinking it, so i’ve decided to put minimal effort in. here it is
bigcoight.com.au – go n hit the road for me
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Marc’s Mischief and Mayhem Movies clay animation on a Game Boy Camera. [alt – invidious]
Dinosaur Comics 4104 – Normie webcomic shit but Dinosaur Comics gets it man
pikmin fanon wiki is delightful https://pikminfanon.com/wiki/Category:Pikmin_family
Fanmade Pikmin types. I recently beat Pikmin 4, so I felt like reading some Pikmin fanfiction. And boy, everything here is so good. It ranges from “makes an earnest attempt to sound balanced” to “very specific abilities which only make sense within the creator’s specific fanon pikmin game” to “OP shit and edgy shit”. If you’re lucky, you’ll get an MSpaint illustration or a photoshop depicting the Pikmin in question, and these are always incredible.
Ascended Pikmin are a particular highlight of OP shit and edgy shit. They are extremely overpowered. The one downside of having a “demon mode”, which the pikmin randomly enter and wherein they use their OP abilities to harm the player. There’s a photoshop of this tiny Pikmin with creepypasta eyes and a power aura. Its so good.
But don’t underestimate fan versions of the official Pikmin, either. There’s angel neko purple Pikmin.
ABC For Kids Video Hits (1991 VHS). Fuck you. Music for literally tiny babies.