I like when these children in 1999 flame each other while writing trying out creative writing with a fanfiction about all the things they love.


Here’s a comic:

A special Female's Fanfic (in other words, Females only!)
All SNES RPGs are enabled, and SOME Pokemon.
Why girls only?
(BROCK, GET OUT!! DON'T ASK STUPID QUESTIONS AND ADD E-MAIL TO MY ACCOUNT FOR NOTHING. That goes for anyone else who dares to do that. That was ANNOYING, Brock, but here's you answer: Girls need their time in the light, so DON'T ASK THAT AGAIN!! Excuse the outburst, but I MUST make my point SOMEHOW.)

The end!

All rips via the Spriters Resourse and Starmen.net, of course!

Custom graphic Yuko Asou (Earthbound/MOTHER 2-style) made by Jon Gandee and shadowman44.

No additional rights reserved on this sprite comic.


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